The Game
Here you can see all the projects already uploaded and find inspiration for your own!
In order to be accepted, the projects must fall within one of these 5 areas:
• Restoration and enhancement (both architectural and urban furnishings, e.g.: restoring an ancient door, implementing coordinated signs for shops consistently with the place).
• Environmental cleaning (visual, luminous and acoustic depollution, e.g.: removing trash and scrub, restoring the view on scenic viewpoints or prestigious buildings, adopt methods to reduce the noise).
• Hospitality (both with words and facts, for instance, a seat for the benefit of hikers, to rest for a few minutes, a drinking fountain for public use).
• Green thumb (green area care in all its forms in order to improve the visual impact of some environments or structures with the use of greeneries and/or species of flowering plants, e.g. planting hedges to mitigate the visual impact of some buildings on the landscape).
• Arts (enhancement of art in all its forms e.g.: the realization of an artistic installation donated to charity to the Municipality, the recovery or allocation of public and private spaces to artistic events).

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